
Enter your username or email and we'll send you a link to reset your password.

Terms & Conditions

While every effort will be made to provide a useful and functional app, Pick.al is a free service provided as-is and as-available and with no warranties or guarantees as to functionality or uptime. Pick.al will not be liable for any risks or damages incurred by reliance on it or by any other use of it.

By registering for Pick.al, you agree to these terms and conditions.

Data Privacy

Information uploaded to Pick.al, including class rosters and notes, will never be shared with any third parties, or used in any capacity other than the uploader's own use.

Information deleted from Pick.al, including classes, rosters, and user accounts, is not stored after deletion, and cannot be recovered.

Pick.al does not store information on user devices except to the extent necessary for users to log in.


Grade book tools like Pick.al that are used solely by an instructor in the course of teaching do not count as student educational records under FERPA. It is the user's responsibility to safeguard his or her password and prevent unauthorized access to his or her account.

Pick.al does not require any confidential student information for normal classroom functioning, and it is the user's responsibility not to upload any. Pick.al disclaims any responsibility for user-uploaded information.

Malicious use

Uses of Pick.al intended to overload the service or to accomplish other malicious ends, especially the use of automated tools, will result in account deactivation.


Pick.al reserves the right to modify these conditions at any time. By continuing to use the service, you agree to the updated terms.